Hello! im back!
I find it so hard to blog now since iv been out of it for a while! Basically iv got a lot of catching up to do! O_o; And where do I start? Well, I guess I can begin with a quick summery of the important things if i can remember them all. Whats been happening:
Went to big day out to see Tool LOL!...Tool was pritty shit actually but the day was fun! My big festival cherry was poped! Man how i wished i watched prodigy in 2009 big day out!
Visited a lot of cool places with Jenny <3 Like Mirazozo!
Our one Year Aniversary!! We made it LOL! ^_^ well we are 1.5 years to be exact but whos counting right ^^? I AM LOL!....but i know I dont need to hehe!
Im still a bartender ^_^ And loving it....Thats without saying how tough times have been! :( More on that later!...
There has been more but i dont know where to start! Id just like to say that Life has had its ups and downs since I last posted! Confused, fustrated, angry at times. Its been tough! I think now im getting better as I realise i shouldnt be thinking too much about stuff. Especially how I look to others....and having this feeling that I need to prove myself by how much money I make. Comparing myself to other people and how much I earn has gotten me down. I'v finally come to terms with not careing about how much other people earn, Comparing myself to them, comparing intellegence. I do something that a lot of people cant. Its just a shame I dont get payed well for it. And that shouldnt be a turn off to what I love doing. Its funny though because sometimes those close to you can say some mean things to you and not even realise. I dont think they know better. After all there are some artists that are out there who dont get payed for such skill. Im going to take my own time to decide what I want. And where to go. if that means im left behind then atleast I know it was my choice to be where I stand and no others influence. After all no one helped me get to where I am and when I get to where I want to be im going to thank none other than myself. Doesnt mean I dont apreciate Support and i know I complain about a lot of things. But telling me how much I make per hour and how its not worth it isnt helping me. Telling me Im getting minimum wage isnt helping me. its like me saying "Your face is ugly, you better do something about it". Sometimes Showing people a flaw doesnt help. Sometimes it makes things worse. Its an unecessary preasure. Anyways im glad to know im not making minimum wage ROFL!.. i earn more than some bankers......well teller bankers anyways LOL!. If i have to work in such conditions to make it worth my while in the future, then this is a choice ill have to accept and understand. In the mean time. Iv got about 0.5 years to work and train before i move on to greater things.!!! Ill explain this all later if it doesnt make sense. I was just meant to touch the subject LOL but i ended up ranting just now lol.
On Good news! My 24th birthday is comming! iv had to work 7 days this week and last week just to get this weekend off! god knows why!....i think John hates me for wanting a weekend off but what ever! LOL...im gonna try have as much fun! :)! Iv got a suprise for Jenny up my sleave (spelling?) LOL. Im sure shell enjoy it very much! so clubbing drinking and good food is on the agenda :D!!!! and after all the birthday celebration is done! its back down to buisness and hard working and saving as my anual leave comes into play in the next 2 months!....iv gotta save up for a holiday and to move out hopefully at the end of this year ^_^....which means a lot of sacrifice!. Im slowly gaining perspective again as before hand I was quite fustrated and insecure about certain things. Now I just want to concentrate on being the old "Nice" fellow i used to be before getting pissed off at the world for not leaving me alone. I think my attitude to a lot of people...especially at work has been so negative. Iv forgotten how to be thankfull to be where I am as more expectations of me are imposed! but what ever...i dont care what people think anymore LOL!. just gotta be the nice guy! Remember Iv got good health, good family and a good gf. I may not be the richest or the smartest or the best looking. But i always had my kindness which I think im also losing. There are only really 3 people on this planet that see that side of me anymore....iv got to change back again ^^. Ill try my very best to.
Hhaha now that my net is working I can save more money <3 ^^ just stay home when iv got nothing to do!
Hmmm.....damn its been a bit negative but ill try post about something more positive on my next post. Im just saving all the JENNY LOVE for an epic BLOG post that will melt her heart away LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! (*LAUGHS AT HIMSELF FOR BEING SO CORNEY*) yeah yeah... LOL. Anyways i can be corney if i want since im so misrable these days LOL!.
Thats it ! :)!
Thought of the day- hahaha boy talk at its best:
Ovi: Man im so tired, weve been working our asses off. Its never been this hard.
Namesless: Well Ovi, You know the laws of physics! Once you get fucked in the ass with a big dick, little dicks dont hurt anymore.
i love the symbolism? LOLOL!!!
Mol3 s2
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