Tuesday, July 12, 2011


fucking hell...i wrote an entire essay on what is ugly... but then deleted it >_>;......

All I want to know is why people are so suprised that I get worked up on a subject like this. Well its the UGLY that decide what is Ugly....and it seems im the only fucking one who realises that. Every one has an ugly side. But some more than others. And why is it that some of the best souls on this planet deem themselfs ugly. Or "Not as good" as those who are clearly ugly. I say the ones self proclaimed as beautiful or deemed beautiful by the masses have a thick layer of uglyness deep under thier skin that only they can see when looking in the mirror. Yeah that empty feeling?? thats where your true beauty used to be before you sold it to the devil for frivolous illusions of what you think is beauty.

fucking hell....

Mol3 s2.

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