Monday, December 5, 2011

All the good things in life.

Now that im settled in my new house and things are evening out at work, I can finally relax! The christmas holidays are coming soon ^_^! I cant wait to get my 5 days in christmas and 5 days in the new year off! A lot has been happening and I know i always say i'd post something, but I always get caught up doing something else. Mostly because I'm addicted to Hon. I'v been living in bondi for a couple of months now and I still havent been down to the sand for a nice swim and sun bake LOL. What a fail! I feel guilty for all the things I'v been complaining about. I found that it was me that made my life harder. For some reason I have a miraculous ability to feel bad, then do something to make it worse. I realised this a while back but changing it is what I'v found the most difficult. I'm happy right now. I have my own freedom, I cant let those silly things get to me?. There are many things around me that make me happy. I was feeling a bit sad on the train the other day. Donno why. But there was something that made me smile. It made me think of the good stuff and suddenly I was thinking of good times. I think i even laughed to myself.

The thing I love the most about it is that the grammar isn't perfect. I think it was that persons unique mark. That it was written by a human being. I hope it really made that person happy to share his/her happiness with strangers like myself. Anyways! Here are a few things that make me really happy. Hope more come!!






Hope you can find your happiness. No doubt its right in front of you! 


"Change of days" by Smiths Cloud

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