Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunday, Mothers day

Happy mothers day!

To mum,

i thank,

For bringing me into this world
That i could see all that is
to love and to cry and know.

taking my first steps,
letting me know there is no where my feet cant take me.

Showing me that there is light,
No matter where the darkness.

Thank you for showing me care,
And to never forget.

you showed me Happyness and joy,
even if times were sad.

Now today I am a man,
Born from a loving women.

I am proud for you,
to be from you,
and to be with you.

Dont forget that your sons love you,
as much as you love them.

I will never forget what you are,
and what you've done.

Happy mothers day <3

Love Chad + Denz

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