Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Happy Australia Day! proud to be Aussie!


Thursday, December 22, 2011















Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy im not sad!

Years had past. I thought i saw her walk by me in the street. It had gotten quite lonely, all that was left was memories and my thoughts. But seeing her in the street only to take a second glance and realise, She was gone forever. Everything I wanted and everything I was going to have had been taken away from me. Sleepless nights were the worst. In a dark room. With no lights. With no life. What could have been, flickers through my mind.

Slowly I fall asleep. The sun is warm on my face and something soft touches my lips.  She hugs me and holds me close. She's whispering to me that she loves me. She looks so beautiful. Her long flowing hair, graceful as the afternoon sun rays compliment the smooth contours of her body. As I look at her face, there is nothing to see. My memory blurs. She starts to fade. Im losing her. She stands up and walks away slowly. As she gets to the bedroom door she turns around and smiles. She says something to me. "everything will be okay". Beyond the doorway is a child's laughter. As she disappears into the darkness, her fading voice wishers that our son is okay.

Awake. My tired eyes glance at the grey wall of my room. Reality is harsh. The loneliness burns the inside of my chest. The weight on my shoulders is crushing me. Yet not a tear comes out. I look into the mirror and all i see are those sad grey eyes.

I spend most of my day trying to remember what her kiss felt like. I look at my dry and wrinkled hands and do my best to imagine  her holding them. And as the day goes on I slowly lose touch with everyone around me. What do I say when they tell me to move on? Will everything really be okay? I had everything and now I have nothing. I died when they left me.

Several more years have passed. I stare out into the distance of the rolling green hills as it seemingly disappears into the warm blue skies of the never ending reaches. I imagine that she is out there waiting for me. There is a lonely  old man staring at me in the reflection of my bedroom window. He's waiting for his time to end. He lived his life for his love. And since then, his life was lost to live.

That old man lay down on his bed. He closed his eyes one last time and dreamt  his final dream. He walked toward the doorway. She was calling him on the other side, and as he stepped into the darkness there was nothing but light. Those soft hands touched his. He didn't have to try remember anymore. Her face was clear and as wonderful as the day he first laid eyes on her. "I love you and always have" she whispered to him softly. Followed by that long awaited kiss and Together they walked into the far reaches, off into infinity. A tear finally fell down his face but not of sadness. He found his happiness once again. He was free

In the month of January 1975, Christian Laury lost his wife Linda Laury and thier due baby during birth. There are 400 meternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the world......

Christian lived to the age of 87. He was only 25 when he lost Linda......

By Chad.C

"Some people drift through their entire life. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. It happens so gradually they are unaware of how their lives are slipping away until it's too late"

Hhaha how depressing was that. I was listening to the theme song to inception and suddenly felt inspired to write something sad. Just wanted to see how well i could write a short story LOL!

On a completely non-depressing note here are some happy snaps iv taken with hipstamatic :)

 Cutie - I finally took "a nice pic of her"....they are all nice if u ask me.

 Sushi - With Denz and Mum

 Grumpy Hobo - I like this photo :D!

I dont want to waste time feeling bad about certain trivial problems. So I look at all the things that make me happy. And now I find myself being a lot more happier.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Waiting for the sun to come out U_U;


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


SHIT!!! i think i fucked up!......

Finish work at 2:00am
drink till 4:00am...
arrive home 5:00am.....
Play HON till 6:00am.....
get a call from HADEN "Actually chad can u take my 10:30am shift? theres no way im gonna make it"...
Sleep 6:15...
Wake up 8:00am....
Realised your fucked at 8:15am
Shower at 8:30am...
Blog at 8:45am...
Got a bus to catch at 9:05am....

ughghhg.....fuck my life im so tired!

Its gonna  be a long long day...

SMILE :D! (as best i can)


Monday, December 5, 2011

All the good things in life.

Now that im settled in my new house and things are evening out at work, I can finally relax! The christmas holidays are coming soon ^_^! I cant wait to get my 5 days in christmas and 5 days in the new year off! A lot has been happening and I know i always say i'd post something, but I always get caught up doing something else. Mostly because I'm addicted to Hon. I'v been living in bondi for a couple of months now and I still havent been down to the sand for a nice swim and sun bake LOL. What a fail! I feel guilty for all the things I'v been complaining about. I found that it was me that made my life harder. For some reason I have a miraculous ability to feel bad, then do something to make it worse. I realised this a while back but changing it is what I'v found the most difficult. I'm happy right now. I have my own freedom, I cant let those silly things get to me?. There are many things around me that make me happy. I was feeling a bit sad on the train the other day. Donno why. But there was something that made me smile. It made me think of the good stuff and suddenly I was thinking of good times. I think i even laughed to myself.

The thing I love the most about it is that the grammar isn't perfect. I think it was that persons unique mark. That it was written by a human being. I hope it really made that person happy to share his/her happiness with strangers like myself. Anyways! Here are a few things that make me really happy. Hope more come!!






Hope you can find your happiness. No doubt its right in front of you! 


"Change of days" by Smiths Cloud

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Last billion years i didnt post.

Man...i cant remember the last time I had posted anything. Its been so long and a lot of things have happened. I guess I'll do a quick catch up starting with whats on my mind right now.

Whats on my mind? I feel like sharing an odd habbit of mine which makes me feel a little human again. It makes me feel a lot better inside. It makes me remember life isnt so hard. Sometimes I make a big deal about things or get super stressed from work and pritty much fuck everything up in my life. It usually helps me stop saying really mean things to people. "Usually" actually it does haha. Well have u seen "The shawshank redemption" ?..there is a scene where a man named Brooks leaves prison for the first time in over 60 years. He finds it hard to adjust to the outside world and eventually kills himself in his apartment. Pritty morbid right? I dont think so. I think people forget how valuable life is. I think this world is getting a little too insensitive. I dont wanna be like that. So i find most nights that im stressed watching that scene a few times. I always feel 100% after it. Heres the scene just incase u were wondering:

Im moving out come this Monday ^_^. Iv finally found a house to stay. I will be living in North Bondi. 5 minutes away from the beach. I'll be there for 6 months before I have to find a new house closer to the city. This is my first time. I'm sure a lot of people would laugh because im making a big deal. But this is a huge step for me. Especially since im not so smart and all. I'll be glad to see how well I do on my own. Washing/ Cleaning , Food. All the shit everyone else does on a daily basis! I'm excited but feel sad at the same time as being so far away limits my time to see anyone. But what can I do.

My 2 Year anniversary just passed. I'm proud of myself. I feel good. I'm making some progress again. At least someone apart from my family and tiney group of friends is crazy enough to stay with me and love me. I'm not perfect and thats okay I think?......well im working on it. It was a wonderfull day. Had a lot of good fun and nice food. I regret not taking any photos with Jenny. I don't think we do take photos with each other anymore. I guess coz i always look grumpy in them...even though i dont want to. And because more than half the photos we take are of Jenny being a "Luvo" ? i think is what they call it and taking photos of herself with her new makeup or outfit. I was looking at old photos of us together. I look at photos of us now. There is a difference. I love her more than when we first met. But there are things we lost. Oh well.

I all of a sudden dont have much to say or...more realistically i cant remember whats happened in the last 2 or 3 months i havent posted anything. All is still same old.

I'll leave it at that for now. I'm tired. i think I'll go play a game of HON soon. God damn i wish i was playing world of warcraft.
